Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chapter 29 Homework Questions (due Tuesday, April 8) And YES, we jumped from chapter 22 to 29, you're not going nuts

1. What does the term “Rococo” mean and how does Rococo art reflect the lifestyle of French aristocracy in the eighteenth century?
2. How does Rococo art differ from art based on Classical tradition?
3. In what ways is Rococo architecture related to Baroque architecture?
4. How do scientific discoveries impact on art during the eighteenth century?
5. How did Hogarth and Greuze criticize culture in hopes of improving it?
6. What was the role of art academies in the eighteenth century and how did they influence artistic development of the period?
7. How did Neoclassical artists rebel against Rococo art?
8. What is the relationship between Neoclassical architecture and Renaissance architecture?
9. When did the Romantic movement in England begin and what are the characteristics of art from that movement?
10. What impact did the French Revolution have on art?
11. How did art develop in New Spain in the eighteenth century?
12. What is Grand Manner painting and how did it influence art of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century?
13. What are the sources for Jefferson’s Monticello?
14. Why was iron an important building material in the eighteenth century?

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