Thursday, December 19, 2013

30-minute essay- due the first day we have class after break

The question: Cultures designate sacred space in a variety of ways to accommodate both religious beliefs and practices. Select and fully identify two examples of sacred spaces from different cultures, one of which must be from beyond the European tradition. Discuss how each space accommodates both religious beliefs and practices within its culture.

Hold onto the hard copy of this assignment that I gave you. AP prevents me from copying and pasting any materials, so I only have a hard copy for you. Therefore, I can't e-mail this to you if you misplace it.  Sorry :(

Medieval Art: Smo Slides

This is what you saw in class. Re-live the magic right here!

Medieval Art: Student Slides

Enjoy some slides from Amity's finest art historians! These won't be covered in class, but you are expected to study them to supplement what we ARE covering in class.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Random thoughts on Monday, December 16th

I have some random thought I just need to post before I forget to say them to you in person....
1. I just put ALL of the image files that came with our textbook on the student drive. They are in our class folder under "Textbook Images". They are organized into files by chapter. I thought this might be useful for you now, and when you do some research about non-western art. So enjoy!
2. If we have a snow day tomorrow (Tuesday), the Islamic Art quiz will bump to Wednesday. You can still hand in your Romanesque questions on Thursday, but Friday would be ok for those too. I just wanted to get them by the end of the week so you can have some closure before vacation.

That's all for now. Have a nice day!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Islamic Art quiz: Tuesday, December 17

I can't be super specific about what will be on the quiz because that would only hurt you in the long run. There are seven multiple choice questions and one short essay question. All questions are about two very significant architectural works. So for the quiz, I'd focus on architecture, and the overall Islamic style as it relates to architecture.

Romanesque Homework Questions: Chapter 15 - Due Thursday, December 19

Directions: Read chapter 15 (Romanesque Art) and answer the following questions. You may write or type your responses. Please answer the questions in your own words and with your own efforts.

1.     What role do cities, or urban areas, play in the Romanesque era?

2.     What was a pilgrimage? How did it influence medieval culture, trade, and art?

3.     What significant architectural event occurs after the year 1000 AD?

4.     What role does sculpture have in the Romanesque period?

5.     What is the most striking difference between Romanesque architecture and that of the earlier Middle Ages? Basically, how did Romanesque churches differ from Early Medieval churches?

6.     What is a Tympanum and what is its purpose?

7.     What is a ribbed vault and how important is it in Romanesque architecture?

8.     What is the most famous monument of the Tuscan Romanesque?

9.     How would you describe the traits of Romanesque manuscripts as opposed to those seen under Charlemagne’s time?

10.   What does the Bayeux Tapestry signify? How would you compare it with the Parthenon Frieze?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Medieval Slides

Reminder- Medieval slides are due today. Drop them in the student drive APAH folder, or you can e-mail me the PowerPoint file too. Whatever is easiest. I just want to get your slides up on the blog by Friday morning. Thanks :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

OMG the Art History folder is back on the Student W drive!

Ok, now the ORIGINAL AP Art History folder is back on the student drive! All your old work is in there. Where the heck did it go for a few days??? So now there are TWO folders for APAH. So I'll just look in both. I'd hate to delete one and then the other goes missing again and it's a big mess. So we'll just see what happens over the next few days and then I'll consolidate if need be. So whichever folder you can get to, you can drop your Medieval slides in there. Good grief.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy snow day!

Hi everyone. I hope you have enjoyed the snow day. I bet you can guess what I was doing all day. I'll give you a hint- It rhymes with "flower point"
ANYWAY, in terms of deadlines, just bump everything up a day. So your questions are due Wednesday and your slides are due Thursday. I'd like to have a quiz on Islamic art on Friday. More details about that in class. Then we launch into Medieval art! Get out your Viking horn hats!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Cool article: "Meat And Booze With A Side Of Still Life: American Painters On Food"

Student Drive at AHS

Hi guys. E-mail me if you have issues getting your PowerPoint on the Student drive Art History folder. I'm having trouble accessing it myself, so if you have issues too, I'll ask for some help from the AHS tech gods.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Medieval Art Homework Questions: Chapter 14 --- Due Tuesday, December 10th

Read chapter 14 and answer the following questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Just you and your book. Type or NEALY hand write your answers.

1. On what kind of objects do we usually find animal style art? How does this relate to the peoples who developed the style and the way they lived?

2. Describe the unique significance of the Book of Kells as an illuminated manuscript.

3. How plentiful were books in the Middle Ages? Who owned books? Who created books? What purpose did most books created at this time serve?

4. What does the Plan of a Monastery tell us about the importance of monasteries and their link to the Imperial court?

5. Compare St. Matthew from the Coronation Gospels with St. Matthew from the Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims. How are they similar, and how do they differ? How has the figure in the Ebbo Gospels been transformed?

6. Why is the Utrecht Psalter considered extraordinary?

7. Consider the portrayal of Christ on the cover of the Lindau Gospels. Why was he portrayed in this manner?

8. "In the Gero Crucifix, we meet an image of the crucified Savior that is new to Western art." How is this image different? Compare it to the Lindau Gospels. What differences are particularly striking?

9. How are the images on the bronze Doors of the Cathedral of Hildesheim arranged? What do they convey to anyone entering the church through these doors?

10. Additional Terms & Artworks to define

• Cloisonne
• Purse Lid from a Ship Burial at Sutton Hoo
• Scriptoria

Islamic Art PowerPoint

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

...and don't forget to watch the Taj Mahal documentary (below) some time this week. It's cool!

Early Christian/ Jewish/ Byzantine Quiz - Wednesday, December 4th

It would be IN YOUR BEST INTEREST to study everything that we covered so that you file all that knowledge away for the exam. Don't just study the details I mention below. It all ties together, so it' best that you know this unit well no matter what is on the quiz. The quiz is 18 multiple choice and one 5-minute essay (sorry, I forgot about that little essay). You will be asked questions about specific works of art:
- one icon
- one tempera painting
- two sculptural works
- one significant work of architecture

Like I said, don't ignore all other information that isn't going to be on the quiz. Getting really familiar with this content NOW will make studying for the midterm and AP exam much more manageable.