Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Islamic Art Questions: Due Wednesday, November 27

1.    In what ways does Islamic art and architecture show diversity and what are the reasons for this?
2.    What is the difference between a Shi’ite Muslim and a Sunni Muslim?
3.    What was the use of the Mshatta Palace and how was it decorated?
4.    What are some of the distinguishing features of the Great Mosque of Cordoba and why was the site so appropriate?
5.    What were the two major roles of the written word in the Islamic culture?
6.    Why were Islamic textiles an important means of disseminating artistic styles and techniques?
7.    What attributes make the Alhambra an architectural complex noted for its beauty?
8.    How did Spanish textile designs mirror architectural ornamentation?
9.    How do Muslim manuscript pages resemble carpets and why?
10.Define the role of tugras and provide an example of this art form.

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