Monday, March 31, 2014

Chapter 22 Homework Questions (for Tuesday)

1.    How did portraiture change in the seventeenth century?
2.    What is one way that scientific discoveries impacted on art of the seventeenth century?
3.    How is Bernini’s David different than previous sculptures on this subject?
4.    What is Baroque naturalism?
5.    What is Baroque classicism?
6.    Why was Rubens so successful as an artist?
7.    Why did Rembrandt’s fortunes rise and fall?
8.    How did Vermeer make his paintings? He is known for his ability to transform everyday scenes into ones of unearthly perfection. What techniques doe she use to achieve this?
9.    How did the architects and artists of Versailles celebrate the Sun King in the buildings and gardens?
10.                  How did English Baroque architects replace the prevailing Gothic style?
11.                  Who were the patrons of Dutch Baroque art?
12.                  How did the Catholic Church use art and architecture as propaganda for the Counter-Reformation?
13.                  What are the subjects of debate regarding the enormous portrait Las Meninas (The Maids) by Velazquez? Discuss its many interpretations and the skills the artist used in creating it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Going for BAROQUE! Coming soon to a classroom near you.

Sorry about some of the formatting! It gets squished on the blog but it will look ok in class :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

APAH vocab terms due by Friday, April 11

There was some concern about when the list of APAH vocabulary terms (definitions) are due. So now it's in writing- they are due any time between now and April 11th. Don't wait until the last minute to do these. Do them in chunks so you're not overwhelmed on the night of April 10th. (This is the list of words that Mrs. Valenzuela gave you a few weeks ago). This assignment will GREATLY help you, not just on the exam, but on future APAH assignments and throughout the rest of your life. Nothing wrong with expanding your vocabulary and showing off your art scholar skillzzzz!

AP UPDATE from guidance department:

The AP Exam Registration period has been extended through 3/27 at 11:59pm. Please be sure to log on to My Payments Plus, select your exam(s), and submit the payment. There is a $94 fee per exam. Any family in need of financial assistance should contact Gerilyn Ferguson or Rob Schumann in the Counseling Office at 203-397-4846.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Mrs. Valenzuela's APAH website:

Mrs. Valenzuela will go over each of the essay sample prompts and essay writing techniques in more detail after school on Monday and Wednesday of next week if anyone wants to stay.

Human Body 30-minute Essay AND Chapter 21 Anti-Quiz due Monday, March 31

30-minute essay prompt: The human body is often highly stylized or abstracted in works of art. Fully identify two works from different cultures in which the body has been highly stylized or abstracted. At least one of your choices must be a work from beyond the European tradition. Discuss how the stylization or abstraction of each figure is related to cultural and/or religious ideas (30 minutes). Chapter 21 Anti-Quiz - to be done at home (will be handed out on Monday and shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes)

16th Century Art in Italy Quiz Friday, March 21

One ten-minute essay about Michelangelo (based on a quote) One ten-minute essay about a very notable painting that you looked at in detail Two sets of multiple choice about two Mannerist paintings you looked at with a good amount of detail

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chapter 21 PowerPoint: Late Northern Renaissance 16th Century

Just wanted to post this before I forget. We're going to study it next week. Maybe if you look at it in advance, it will help you with your homework questions.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 21 Homework Questions due Tuesday, March 25 (Monday is an A day, oops, I forgot!)

Again, there are some number typos on the handout of this that I gave you. I deleted the numbers and posted the same questions below. It's all the same thing. I'm just trying to avoid confusion. 

1. How did Dürer use printmaking to extend his reputation?
2. Why did landscape painting, still life, and portraiture become important in sixteenth-century Northern art?
3. What features characterize early sixteenth-century German sculpture?
4. How is Grünewald’s Isenheim Altarpiece arranged and why?
5. How did Francis I make Fontainebleau into an artistic center?
6. What kind of art and architecture did Philip II support in Spain?
7. In what ways is Hieronymus Bosch’s painting style so eccentric?
8. What kind of art was favored in the Tudor Court?
9. What was the role of miniatures in sixteenth-century English art?
10. What are the main features of Elizabethan houses?

Register for the AP Art History Exam!

The last day to register for the 
APAH exam is Tuesday, March 25 (that's next week!).
You need to register through Amity's "My Payments Plus" system. There are no exceptions beyond that deadline, so be sure to sign up asap. I cannot sign you up at the last minute. Only you have the power!!! As of today, there are only seven people signed up.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Slides to study before class on Wednesday, March 19

Please study slides 142-180 in the current PowerPoint (scroll down a few posts- it's the one with the Mona Lisa on the first slide- 16th Century Art in Italy). These are VERY significant pieces of artwork, so it would be wise to look at the slides in detail and look at all the notes, notice the details, take some notes of your own, ponder the artwork, enjoy its awesomeness....  We will pick up with "MANNERISM" on Wednesday. This will help us move forward!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chapter 20 Homework Questions due MONDAY, MARCH 17th (16th Century Art in Italy)

Chapter 20 Homework Questions due MONDAY, MARCH 17th (16th Century Art in Italy)

1. In what ways was Leonardo da Vinci experimental with his artwork?
2. What was the debate between painting and sculpture during the High Italian Renaissance?
3. Why did Raphael change his painting style?
4. What are some general features of painting in the High Italian Renaissance?
5. What is the arrangement of images on the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and why are the scenes ordered in that way?
6. Why is Michelangelo’s David so well regarded and revered?
7. How was St. Peter’s Basilica modified during the sixteenth century?
8. What qualities or features typify Venetian Renaissance painting?
9. What role did the Jesuits play in patronizing Roman artists or architects?
10. Why is Bronzino’s Allegory with Venus and Cupid typical of Mannerism?
11. What makes Tintoretto’s painting typical of Mannerism?
12. In what ways did women figure into the sixteenth-century art in Italy?
13. How did Julius II support and complicate Michelangelo’s artistic life?
14. For what reasons did Michelangelo’s art change?
15. How was Titian regarded as an artist?

Onward through the Renaissance! 16th Century Italian Renaissance

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tuesday's Quiz: 15th Century Italian Art (ch. 19 in our book)

8 multiple choice about two notable works of sculpture
7 multiple choice about two notable religious paintings
6 multiple choice about one notable non-religious painting
1 10-minute essay about two residences (architecture)
1 10-minute essay about a sculptural panel

I think it would be wise to use graphic organizers for the essay questions. I will have some on hand for you, and we will have some extra time to fill them out before you write your essays.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Assignment for MONDAY, MARCH 10

Continue to view the PowerPoint for 15th Century Art in Italy. Look at slides 138-191 and learn the content (we will not be going over them in class, but they are very important). I believe all those slides ONLY COVER ABOUT 8 PIECES OF ART. There are a lot of close ups, details, extra stuff just for kicks, etc. By doing this independent study, you will definitely help us wrap up this chapter and move forward into the future. We will FINISH the PowerPoint in class on Monday, and have a quiz on 15th Century Italian Art on Tuesday. I have re-posted the PowerPoint here for your convenience (you know, so you don't get a finger cramp scrolling through the blog).

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mrs. Smolinski's personal art website

I mentioned my art website in class yesterday, and I thought I'd post the link in case you're wondering what kind of art I like to create. Back in the day when I didn't spend all of my evenings and weekends doing school work, I used to paint! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What does "NON-WESTERN" or "Beyond the Western tradition" mean to AP?

This is the information (direct quote) from last year's AP teacher:

Non -western would be covered by Japanese, Chinese, African and Indian art. It's also covered by islamic art including Alhambra and Cordoba - but not Hagia Sophia because Hagia Sopha was built by a western emperor, Mr. Justinian and only later converted to a mosque. Other mosques that follow its style could be covered however. Egyptian and Mesopotamian are also technically non-western art. American art that is pre-columbian would also be considered non-western as would Oceanic art like the South Pacific.

So in summary:
-Islamic (including Alhambra and Cordoba, but not Hagia Sophia)
-Mesopotamian (ancient Near East)
-Pre-Columbian (aka: Art of the Americas from Ben, George, and Guillermo's midterm group)
-Oceanic art (aka: Pacific art)

So I guess Hagia Sophia would be considered Byzantine. This is the best possible description I have heard so far. I hope this clears things up.